Garden City Festival

Celebrate Spring with Sacred Heart

Celebrate Spring with Sacred Heart on Saturday, April 24! MOVED INDOORS! Garden speakers, a plant sale and food trucks will round out this day of family friendly spring one-day event. For more information click HERE. Speakers include: 9:30 am – Amy Sutter, White Hills Farm 11:00 am – Rebecca van...

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Garden City Festival at Sacred Heart

The Garden City Festival at Sacred Heart will encompass two full days of excitement. Noted as one of the Top 20 Festivals in Georgia, the event features garden and floral exhibits, engaging speakers, an expanded Vendor Market to include eco-friendly offerings, new pop-up demos, family-fun Seedling Saturday, a live butterfly...

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Blanton Garden Tea

Gardens open at 4:00 PM, Tea seating at 5:00 PM Among the myriad of Japanese maples and thoughtfully planted gardens of Mr. and Mrs. R. Daniel Blanton, guests will be informed and entertained by a guest speaker, Mary Palmer Dargan, as they enjoy a delectable fare of specialties as well...

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A Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols

A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols The Guild of Sacred Heart Cultural Center presents this annual Christmas event under the direction of Keith Shafer and based on the traditional English Christmas program that originated at King’s College Chapel, Cambridge University, England. The night will feature leaders in the community...

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