Garden City Festival

Event details regularly updated on the Garden City Festival website. Purchase tickets for the Festival, Tours, Preview Party, and Garden Social here.

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Keeping the Dream Alive: Why Dr. King’s Message Still Matters (15th Annual Interfaith Celebration)

Keeping the Dream Alive: Why Dr. King’s Message Still Matters 15th Annual Interfaith Celebration The most diverse interfaith event in the CSRA: Baha’is, Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Jews, Muslims, Religious Humanists, Sikhs, & Unitarian Universalists Location: Sacred Heart Cultural Center Date & Time: Wednesday, February 15, 2023, 6:45 pm Gathering /...

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Bullets & Bandaids Art Exhibit at Sacred Heart Cultural Center

The 2023 Bullets and Bandaids Volume 4 “The Next Step” tour is coming to Sacred Heart Cultural Center. Mark your calendars! Bullets and Bandaids matches veterans with writers and artists to tell their stories through original collaborative artwork, presented in a touring art and storytelling experience. “Our mission is to...

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Iconic Augusta Art Exhibition

Art Reception Opening: Thursday, January 5, 4-6 PM in the Great Hall Exhibition in the Art Hall: January 5 – 20, 2022 From January 5-20, we will be hosting the Iconic Augusta art exhibit encouraging local artists (ages 18+) to display works that portray the heart of Augusta in various mediums...

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Frank Carstarphen & Lisa Anne Tindal Art Exhibition

NOW IN THE ART HALL Exhibition in the Art Hall: May 13 – June 21, 2022 Frank Carstarphen, a native of Augusta, Georgia, studied Advertising Art at Augusta Technical School. He received instruction in hand lettering, layout design and rendering with watercolor.  Frank later learned the basics of Oil painting from...

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Mary Ann Brock & Linda Hardy Art Exhibition

Opening Reception in the Great Hall, Thursday, September 8, 5 pm – 7 pm Linda Hardy began painting for pleasure after retirement from her medical practice. Having no formal art education, she first painted under the tutelage of David Mascaro at Mascaro Studio and Gallery, and continued for several years...

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