Thank you to those serving on the Leadership Team and all volunteers that make the Garden City Festival a reality!!
Cecelia Thomas: Event Chair

Barbara Fiebiger: Logistics Chair

Marcie Wilhelmi & Janet Thornburg: Garden Tour Co-Chairs

2023 Leadership Team
Marianne Petras, Finance Co-Chair
Brenda Findlay, Finance Co-Chair
Emily Doumar, Garden Social Party Chair
Nancy Moak, Gift Shop Chair
Kris Miller, Guild Garden Shed
Otis Hitt, Guild Goody Garden & Drinks Chair
Nancy Blanchard, Hospitality Chair
Sallie Shuford, Preview Party Chair
Pat Saylor, Seedling Saturday Co-Chairs
Marlena Bergeron, Seedling Saturday Co-Chairs
Nan Shaefer, Speakers Chair
Mayme Walsh, Ticket Gate
Gail Massey, Ticket Outlet Chair
TBD, Volunteer Chair