Please consider becoming a sponsor for this exciting event. Sponsor benefits include complimentary tickets to the Preview Party and Garden Festival, an ad in the Festival Program, and an invitation to the Legacy Membership Party and more. To discuss Sponsorship Opportunities and Benefits, please contact Millie Huff, 706-826-4700 or millie@sacredheartaugusta.org.

A special thanks to our 2019 presenting SPONSORS!

Garden Festival Supporters

AB Beverage

Judge & Mrs. H. Scott Allen

Dr. and Mrs. Roy E. Altman

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis N. Blackstone

Blanchard & Calhoun Insurance Agency

Mr. and Mrs. R. Daniel Blanton

Mr. and Mrs. John B. Frank

Guild of Sacred Heart

Mrs. Michael B. Hagler

Ms. Helen Hendee & Ms. Linda McIntosh

Mrs. Pat Knox-Hudson

Maner Builders Supply

Mrs. Neita Mulherin

Queensborough National Bank & Trust Co.

Mr. and Mrs. George T. Sheftall

Strother's Printing
Wells Fargo

WJBF News Channel 6

Proceeds support the enduring legacy of the Sacred Heart Cultural Center.
© Sacred Heart Cultural Center 2017

1301 Greene Street, Augusta, GA 30901
(706) 826-4700